Keep Calm and Carry On – #41

How to stay calm (without any hacks). This is all you need.

Overthinking –> Write

Uninspired –> Read

Scared –> Take a risk

Stuck –> Walk

Tired –> Sleep

Confused –> Ask

Frustrated –> Move

Burned out –> Take a day off

Impatient –> Review progress

Unmotivated –> Remember your why

It’s actually encouraging to read through this list and know that I naturally have most of these as pressure-release-valves in my models.

  • Overthinking? – Write. No problem here.
  • Uninspired? – Never.
  • Scared? – Only watching my son race. My work is all risk. I’m an entrepreneur.
  • Stuck? – Walk… sometimes. I’m rarely stuck. I just (do) and (build) my way out of everything. Or, create content.
  • Tired? – All the time. Still working on this.
  • Confused? – Ask. I’m good at this 🙂
  • Frustrated? – Rarely. Keeping active makes this almost impossible. Every constraint is a problem to solve.
  • Burned out? – All the time. Working out and sauna are the solutions here (for me).
  • Impatient? – Never. Life moves at the pace it does. Look at the Stoics.
  • Unmotivated? – Action. Action. Action.

What would you add?

All the best,

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