I. Goal Achievement and Organization

How can you tell if your team is goal-oriented or problem-oriented?

Questions to consider …

How can a problem-centered company be “turned around?”

4 ways to develop objective-orientation

  1. Reorganize the decision-making process – decisions should be made at all levels of authority – decentralization
  2. Eliminate timidity – people must be willing to speak up
  3. Decentralized systems input – decentralizing the kind of information that is necessary to operate a company or organization – people in the organization then will know what is going on from the top and they are able to have input as to what happens at the top – employees are able to speak to the powers-that-be and share concerns and ideas
  4. Reduce long lead times – setting goals with sub-objectives – It is tough to keep people motivated by a long-range goal if they do not see anything intermediate (smaller achievement levels need to be built in) – Iterative development!

Goal Orientation

5 Aspects of the Importance of Goals and Objectives

  1. Objectives must be derived from what our company vision is, what it will be, and what it should be
  2. Objectives must be operational, capable of conversion into specific targets and assignments
  3. Objectives must make possible the concentration of resources and efforts – you nail up a specific target/goal so that everyone can focus on it
  4. Objectives must be multiple, never singular. We have many objectives.
  5. Objectives must relate to all areas of which the progress of the company depend


10 Common Time Wasters

  1. lack of planning – leads to crisis management
  2. crisis management – running from here to there, no plan for approaching the issue
  3. lack of prioritizing
  4. over commitment
  5. undo haste – rushing to do stuff – we are never really efficient in the heat of the moment
  6. paperwork (busy work) and reading (not all) – in the office only read that which is directly related to your goal achievement
  7. interruptions
  8. meetings
  9. indecision
  10. failure to delegate

The Seven Major Time-Wasters

  1. Telephone interruptions
  2. Unexpected visitors (drop-ins)
  3. Meetings (planned and extemporaneous)
  4. Fire-fighting (unexpected crises)
  5. Procrastination
  6. Socializing
  7. Indecision

Keys to Effective Time Management

  1. Make a firm decision to become excellent at time management
  2. Set clear goals and objectives that are consistent with your highest aspirations
  3. Create detailed plans of action and get organized for productive work
  4. Establish clear priorities and always work on your highest value tasks
  5. Develop good work habits and learn to concentrate on one task at a time (the most important task)
  6. Think through and carefully plan large jobs or complex tasks that involve several people

According to time management specialist, Michael Fortino, over the average lifetime people spend …

We, therefore, must learn to save time …

We must continually ask…

These are some ideas on what is going on… now, what do we do about it? Time to focus. Do great work. I would/could say… that FOCUS… or the ability to focus is the key in a lot of ways. What other things would you add to my thoughts here?

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