Agile Can Be Difficult to Adopt – 5 Things to Consider

Agile has been all the rage in software development for many years now. Its popularity exists mostly among smaller teams that iterate quickly and release frequently. Agile software development promotes an environment of rapid feedback and continuous improvement. At its core, it helps teams ship fewer high quality features instead of shipping a bunch of […]

Culture is What People Care About

Are you a consultant, agile coach, or employee of a company? Lol. That’s all of you!  Here’s the hard truth: You are not as effective as you possibly could be. I know first-hand what it’s like going into a company and not having the faintest clue as to what they are really like. Yes, I got […]

20 Common Logical Fallacies – Don’t Be a Victim!

Faulty thinking is part of life. We’re not perfect, nor do we think perfectly. It is, however, helpful to identify faulty thinking in our own mental processes. Sometimes, merely being aware of how we think can help us stay away from potential pitfalls in our logic.

Life Change Starts with Clarity

There are moments where each one of us have wished for significant life change – this could be related to our current circumstances, our jobs, our vocations, our relationships, and even something about ourselves. Our constant desire for improvement and life change is a natural consequence of being human as all of us desperately want […]

Viktor Frankl’s Meaning Triangle for Organizations

Viktor Frankl was an incredible human being, having survived the Holocaust and establishing logotherapy, a type of psychotherapy. His book, Man’s Search for Meaning, details his development of his theory around meaning and suffering.