Agile For All’s Helpful Quote of the Week (April 14, 2021)

You don’t “manage people.” You should be (leading) people and (managing) the work. Or said better, love on people and unblock them. — Agile Peter Go to our upcoming courses page to sign up for one of our classes so you can get more wisdom like this!

Agile For All’s Helpful Quote of the Week (February 17, 2021)

Knowledge, particularly self-knowledge, is freedom. Why is this so? When you know yourself, you can work and live 100% within your wheelhouse in ALL aspects of life. Work, play, rest, de-stress, love, eat, etc. You’ve optimized. You’ve gone pro. — Agile Peter ScrumMasters need to deeply understand this and they need to help their teams […]

Agile For All’s Quote of the Week (February 3, 2021)

One of the most important things in life is to differentiate between what we can change and what we can’t. What we have influence over and what we do not. You really only have the ability to control the choices you make right now. That is how you change your future. — Agile Peter ScrumMasters […]

Agile For All’s Quote of the Week (January 20, 2021)

The Daily Scrum isn’t about status. It is about alignment. I’d prefer to call it the Daily Alignment to make that point crystal clear. — Agile Peter Go to our upcoming courses page to sign up for one of our classes so you can get more wisdom like this!