Lead from the Heart

I lead from the heart, not from the brain. Which according to a Fastcompany article, which includes some great research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath, is exactly where leadership needs to be headed. We now know that the heart and the brain are in a constant two-way communication and that the heart sends more information […]

Agile Can Be Difficult to Adopt – 5 Things to Consider

Agile has been all the rage in software development for many years now. Its popularity exists mostly among smaller teams that iterate quickly and release frequently. Agile software development promotes an environment of rapid feedback and continuous improvement. At its core, it helps teams ship fewer high quality features instead of shipping a bunch of […]

On Human Capital – HR and Agile

Human capital is just one of an organization’s intangible assets. It is basically all of the competencies and commitment of the people within an organization i.e. their skills, experience, potential and capacity. Other examples of intangible assets include: brand, software, design, working methods and customer relationships. The human capital asset captures all the people oriented […]

The Power of 3 Words

Some of the most significant messages people deliver to one another often come in just three words. When spoken or conveyed, those statements have the power to forge new friendships, deepen old ones and restore relationships that have cooled.

Life Change Starts with Clarity

There are moments where each one of us have wished for significant life change – this could be related to our current circumstances, our jobs, our vocations, our relationships, and even something about ourselves. Our constant desire for improvement and life change is a natural consequence of being human as all of us desperately want […]

The Value of Planning Together

If you’ve taken part in any of our Scrum classes, then you know we highly value the power of face-to-face communication. The emergent power of real-time collaboration allows us to uncover one of the most detrimental nuances of the work we do in software development: ASSUMPTION.

Viktor Frankl’s Meaning Triangle for Organizations

Viktor Frankl was an incredible human being, having survived the Holocaust and establishing logotherapy, a type of psychotherapy. His book, Man’s Search for Meaning, details his development of his theory around meaning and suffering.

Running Agile at Home

Agile is merely a philosophy of how to change the way we think about delivering value. Powerful ideas have grown from the original philosophy, namely frameworks, like Scrum and Kanban. Manufacturing, product development, service development, sales, marketing, and yes, even management can benefit from the ideas espoused from Agile. Having helped all sorts of companies […]

On 2015 and Beyond!

As we look at Agile in 2015, there is a lot of excitement, a lot of opportunity, and a lot of fun ahead of us. I’m glad to be a part of it as I begin rolling into the Agile For All fold. We have a lot of great stuff happening, obviously our retinue of […]