Agile Can Be Difficult to Adopt – 5 Things to Consider

Agile has been all the rage in software development for many years now. Its popularity exists mostly among smaller teams that iterate quickly and release frequently. Agile software development promotes an environment of rapid feedback and continuous improvement. At its core, it helps teams ship fewer high quality features instead of shipping a bunch of […]

Culture is What People Care About

Are you a consultant, agile coach, or employee of a company? Lol. That’s all of you!  Here’s the hard truth: You are not as effective as you possibly could be. I know first-hand what it’s like going into a company and not having the faintest clue as to what they are really like. Yes, I got […]

Office Hours and Conformity? – No. Delivery is King!

During one of my CSM classes, I was discussing with a student that her company still has office hours and they are “required” to be online at 9AM… In our new world, why is this still a thing? (Unless you actually have a meeting at 9AM… which changes the context)… I find it fascinating that […]