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It took me 9 years of 16+ hour workdays to get my first company acquired. After your first one, it gets easier.

Since 2016, I’ve had 3 early equity buyouts of startups I co-founded and invested in.

From successful entrepreneur and operator to venture capitalist, I’ve raised over $30MM+ in venture investment.

I understand the full lifecycle of business building.

Let Me Help You

In 50 minutes you get to give me the landscape of your idea. I’ll be asking many questions.

People usually come to me for questions on:

  • How to get my startup funded?
  • How to launch my product idea?
  • How to build my startup organization?
  • How do I pitch my idea and create an epic pitch deck?
  • How to market my idea and grow traction and user acquisition?
  • How do I grow my social media and community to monetization?
  • How do I build my personal brand?
  • What do I do next in my job to get promoted?
  • How do I improve my public speaking, presenting, or selling?
  • How can I improve my career trajectory?
  • Should I invest in this product?
  • How do I roll out Agile & Scrum to my team and company?
  • How do I begin my Agile career? How do I build an Agile Coaching / Consulting business?
  • How do I turn my side-hustle into my main hustle?
  • I’m thinking about X, what do you think and where would you begin?

Coaching days are usually Wednesdays late to early evening EST. You will be asked for a suggested time slot.

Looking forward!
All the best,
Peter Saddington

If you want to discuss your startup, make sure you create a great deck first.

You Get All My Notes:

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I know exactly the hard questions to ask you in your quest to build your dreams. We'll start with you giving me an overview. Tell me a good story. Already have an account?

Before you buy, you'll want to have a couple of things nailed down, including:

  • The problem you're trying to solve
  • Vision & Mission - the story of where you want to be
  • "Why" - unpack why this is important

If you'd like to discuss a product idea, you'll also need the following:

  • Your solution, the product/idea, and differentiators
  • Market size, trends, and drivers
  • Competition, growth plan, and roadmap
  • Business model, milestones, timeline, and how you'll get traction
  • Finances, the team, and use of proceeds

If we're going to be talking agile, scrum, or business building:

  • What are the needs?
  • What are the goals?
  • How many people are involved?
  • Have you considered training?
  • What is the timeline?

I guarantee you will walk away from our conversation with:

  • Actionable ideas
  • Tools, techniques, or applications to leverage
  • Knowing EXACTLY what your next step needs to be!

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