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Full Stack Business Builder #FSBB – #49

I’m building it now…

As an autist who loves big data, I’ve been tracking the changes and evolution of the entrepreneur and venture capitalist.

In 2019 I published my 3rd book called Gravity – How to create an irresistible brand, unlimited deal flow, and infinite possibilities. This book was my treatise on my convictions that the world will go #MVR – MOBILE, VIDEO, and REMOTE. Turns out, I was somewhat of a soothsayer and fortune teller. Lockdown in 2020-2023 proved me right. All companies went mobile, video, and remote work. The next evolution of the entrepreneur had arrived: Those that succeed in today’s competitive marketplace need to be leveraging mobile and video in a remote-work world.

In 2019 I also published my convictions that the venture capital world needed to upgrade to what I called #VentureMediaThat venture capital and investment firms need to be more of a media megaphone for their investments than just cutting a check. I sought out to prove that the Venture Media Model worked with my 3rd venture fund. I now work with venture studios to help them become a media powerhouse for their investments using my Venture Media Model. It’s working.

Since 2019 to 2024, I have proven that investing in a startup (and) providing them a global community of eyeballs with amazing media support increases the chance of success by manufacturing early growth, user acquisition, and traction. It’s an unfair advantage. Being able to train and certify all investments in Scrum and agile makes our model even more unfair!

From executing on the #VentureMedia model with the Gravity MVR model, I’ve learned a lot. A new paradigm of operator has emerged before me…

The TL;DR is simple:

We now live in an age where a single individual can fully build a business from the ground up on their own. I’m calling this a Full Stack Business Builder.

Full Stack Business Builder #FSBB

A Full Stack Business Builder at it’s core is simple: They fully utilize all of the tools and technologies to build a business, single-handedly.

They use:

  • AI and Code Assistants to build MVPs and prototype designs and builds.
  • Design and editing software to create low-fidelity wireframes and scaffolding.
  • Free and HD video tools and software to create their own podcasts, videos, reels, shorts, and media experiences.
  • Community software to create a place for people, provide continuous value to their supporters, and leverage the community for product feedback loops.
  • Financial and operational software to manage the companies finances, operations, sales flows, product development, legal, compliance, banking, and more.
  • Marketing tools to proliferate and push their narrative, branding, and advertising to different social platforms and community groups.
  • Agile and Scrum frameworks of product development. They have spent the time to educate themselves on how to build products efficiently and effectively.
  • Contractors and consultants to fill in tactical and strategic gaps as they bootstrap their dream to the moon (like legal and investment management help).

You see, these are all of the capabilities and tools that (I) use and leverage whenever I’m helping a startup (or building my own). And yes, I consider myself a Full Stack Business Builder.

Full Stack Business Builder Conference?

I want to create the first digital conference dedicated to the ‘full stack’ of business building. The CORE of business building. Not stuff like “culture” and “work-life-balance” and “how to scale product development” and ephemeral touchy-feely types of things. Yes, these things (are) important, and will grow to (be) important (if) the company actually grows legs. We’re business-building here! Hard work ALWAYS COMES FIRST BEFORE FEELINGS AND COMPANY PERKS.

There is zero point in talking about culture and bean bag chairs when the product doesn’t even exist. Let’s do the HARD work first. This is what a Full Stack Business Builder Conference should provide: The details of how to build well.

In my estimation, a Full Stack Business Builder Conference would have 4 distinct tracks:

  • Founder Focus & Business Operations
  • Venture Investment & Financial Health
  • Product Development & Sales
  • Community Building & Media

Founder Focus & Business Operations

Topics to include would be:

  • What do I need as a founder?
  • Who do I need to be?
  • What do I value?
  • What is my vision & purpose?
  • How will I run my business based on principles and values?
  • What operational needs do I have for my specific market and industry?
  • How do I make the unknown, knowable?

“What defines your culture is the worst behavior the leadership is willing to tolerate.”

Great founders know who they are and how their personalities bleed throughout the entire organization, structure, and pulse.

Venture Investment & Financial Health

Topics to include would be:

  • How do I get investment?
  • What are the differences in industry and type (PE, VC, Family Office, Institution, HNW, Venture Studio, etc)?
  • What legal do I need?
  • How to manage finances? *cash flow is king
  • How to pitch and raise money?

We can save operators so much suffering when it comes to the finances of any endeavor.

Product Development & Sales

Topics to include would be:

  • Which development frameworks should I use (agile, scrum, etc)?
  • How do I build quickly?
  • How do I prototype quickly?
  • How do I sell my idea?
  • How do I grow network?

The product development and sales world is well-known. There are many effective models and frameworks and tools to leverage for quick cycle time of delivery.

Community Building & Media Marketing

Topics to include would be:

  • How do I build a community?
  • How do I leverage community for feedback?
  • How do I engage and grow value?
  • How do I create messages that matter?
  • How do I create video/media experiences?
  • How do I market on the cheap?

I wrote an entire book on this. This is a known known.

Is It Time for a Full Stack Business Builder Conference? #FSBBC1

Business building enablement is here...
We have people to help! – We need more!

I’ve been to conferences before that have a specific niche. While going deep is always good for the subject matter expert, many aspiring business builders need the full stack. They have the energy, the ambition, and the work ethic to build their dreams. I know these men and women. I’ve met them. They know the power of having full autonomy over their creation. They have all the tools. They have all the resources.

Business building has never been easier. I want to make it globally known.

These ladies will take us to the moon! Let’s go!

My call to action to join my new Discord community is just the beginning. We’ve already had our first internal meeting to flesh out the building of this online-digital conference for Full Stack Business Builders (we’re also looking for speakers in any of those topics)… DM me or send me someone who you think would be a great speaker on these!!!!!!!!

I’m so excited.

We’re going to help a lot of people.

All the best,

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